Wednesday, February 18, 2009

GM Drives itself Bananas!

Let me get this straight: 47,000 mainly US layoffs (wheres Obama?) and they ask for 30 Billion AND their kicker is that they might make a profit in 2 years!?

I think there's really too much Fluoride in the water to allow the population not to revert to chopping heads over this insanity. I may have a bad memory but didn't GM USA (keep that in mind) just get 14 Billion last year (maybe I just read the news too much)?

How can Americans allow their tax dollars to be so mismanaged? Theoretically, if every adult in the US was given a portion of the 800 Billion dollar "bailout", the math works to 800 trillion / 200 million (adults) = 400,000 dollars per ADULT PERSON.

How's that for a bailout? How's that for taking care of your own people? Wouldn't that allow for 99% of foreclosures to be eliminated? Wouldn't that put money right back into your economy?

It's ridiculous really. No wonder Obama is coming to Canada first - he wants to figure out why our banking system is the only one in the world that continues to have a surplus. I'm not saying that our system is excellent, but being tight, both in Gov't and in our spending habits, is finally showing to be a good thing.

As a side note:
I strongly believe the Corporate stranglehold is too tightly wound around the USA and their banking system is shamefully greedy. The FED is also disgustingly printing out too much cash. All of this under secrecy. I won't even get into the NAU.

Back to GM. They are failures because they make ass cars. Their repuatation is crap and they statistically have the highest return on parts (meaning that their parts are usually not to standard spec - ask any mechanic). Maybe something will change, but if and when GM gets their injection of money, they shouldn't be surprised when less people come a buying :)

I'll just keep singing my tune: this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!

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