Friday, April 17, 2009

Dogs think Marijuana is Poison?

So it looks like Dog's can be man's best friend, but they can't get high together.

What a sad day for Fido....

It turns out that the case posed this past winter stating that someone put out Anti-Freeze laced crap out for them, was a complete fabrication. What else is new Mass Media? I'm askin' you!

Now for the real story:

"Pot Cupcakes" you call them? Well, an 18 year old gentleman now has to apologize to dog owners the world over.

My Question: Why does he have to apologize? Dogs eat other dogs poo! There isn't much a dog won't eat - and if it's eating stuff off of the floor, shouldn't the owner take responsibility?

My opinion? I think the owner should be tossed into an active volcano because I can bet you my life savings that when this dog was eating the marijuana cupcakes, the owner was either on the phone or checking his Facebook. The owner is to blame.

Now Im craving dog bone soup :(

Link to story HERE

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thoughts - About World League Baseball

Why did Canada lose to Italy in world baseball 6-2? And why is it a major story?

I believe that Baseball belongs to the USA, much like Roller Derby's and NFL Football. If this is the case, then why do other countries try so hard to develop their own teams?

It's really like Canada playing against Egypt in Hockey. It's fairly ridiculous :)

Either way, I think that some things shouldn't be on the world stage and Baseball is one of those things.

Back to watching Canadian Cricket :)

By the way, above is a picture of the Italian team training camp! No disrespect to my in-laws!

$50 billion fraud...All documented?

...and theres a news story pointing out that this guy is pleading guilty?

Next question. Where's the money? Or where's the remainder of the money?? Link to list here!

I've never seen more zero's in my life either! He took the most from Fairchild Advisors (7.5 Billion) but the most laughable is SPAIN (2.5 Billion) and Larry King (undisclosed amount - probably a lot).

Great, the guy is pleading guilty. He's 70 and the maximum he can serve is 150 years. So where's the money? He says it was STOLEN or LOST...

Throw this guy into an active volcano please and send the video via youtube to that list of people - maybe they can get some online ad revenue or something. Either way, this Ponzi scheme is only a taste of the real Ponzi scheme going on in America - The FED :)

Here's proof: Link

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another excuse for UFO sightings? / CIA, dont lie to me...

It's official, the CIA has finally released news to Popular Mechanics that 6 crafts were responsible for the majority of UFO sightings - this is clearly a super-sized lie. I took the time to read most of the posts from people who replied to this story and most say that these planes flew low and made no noise at all.

They also claim that these aircrafts/UFOs stopped in mid-air and moved at varying speeds. All six of these spy planes can never perform all 3 of these characteristics but this is the CIA's best shot against a rise in sightings. Here in Toronto we have an annual air show and I can draw from memory that they had a plane that they said made little noise but when that thing passed by the sonic boom was massive (yes, even bigger than Guile's).

I did some further research on the web and I just happened to Youtube this video. It shows, on two occasions, a UFO that creates clouds to mask it's presence. Which one of these planes could do that? It looks like the CIA did it all for the nookie to me.

The planes are nice though, but I'm sure that I've seen the Blackbird before in a book or something, so these things aren't totally top secret. Read the full story from Popular Mechanics here

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Great Idea USA, raise beer tax 1900%

This story is disgusting but definitely worth a read because it reminds me of how profit margins for Beer here are insane. Consider this: Labatt Blue 24 Cans in Ontario cost over 53 dollars while in the US, despite labeling it export, the same 24 is 14 dollars.

Story here

Please read and share this article with your beer buddies :)

Predictions for the week!

1. Harper and Obama will accomplish nothing today in their meeting! They may just have a fake smile contest :)

2. North American Union planning will happen under wraps and the TSX will definitely drop more in order to catch up to the DOW Index.

3. Frankie Flowers will once again be incorrect about the weather forecast and again be Toronto's biggest liar to young children and their Lunch forecasts.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mexicans in East Gwillimbury?

What the hell is that?

70 people arrested for a cock-fighting ring in East Gwillimbury. Looks like I need to move further north now.

I guess this is what happens when people realize that barns are useless. Although I do think that this is hilarious, it does reinforce my belief that multiculturalism is invading more than just the GTA. Good work Mexicans, one day I hope to use 'wey' in my Spanglish :)