Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oil will make a sea of Green this year!!

In response to the Toronto Star Article: "Sliding demand sends oil to near $37"
(Who I think has banned me from posting "real deal" messages beneath their stories)

Profit is, and has always been, the name of the game in my lifetime.

Thats why I'll try to explain why Oil Companies will be even more successful this year.

According to the Star this morning, Oil will dip to below 37 dollars per barrel today. is clearly paid off in his article because he states that the industry is going to lose out if the trends continue. BAKA! Last year the price per barrel was around 135 US dollars per barrel but we were paying around 1.35 per litre. Gas was a little cheaper in the US but that's for another story. Anyhow, today gas is 80 cents per litre with the barrel at 37 dollars.

Essentially, this means that profits will be at least 1.7 times more than last year if prices remain at this level. So if you wonder why Exxon made an even higher profit last year, this is why. What I don't understand is why people aren't yet enraged by this easy derivation!?

Either way, Exxon will break another profit record this year (breaking its own record for profits for 2 years in a row now) and the public won't give a damn or wonder about why that is. I believe that as long as gas dips a few cents lower, the country and it's members of Parliament will continue on its knees, begging for another penny...when gas should be under 40 cents/litre :)

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