Friday, April 17, 2009

Dogs think Marijuana is Poison?

So it looks like Dog's can be man's best friend, but they can't get high together.

What a sad day for Fido....

It turns out that the case posed this past winter stating that someone put out Anti-Freeze laced crap out for them, was a complete fabrication. What else is new Mass Media? I'm askin' you!

Now for the real story:

"Pot Cupcakes" you call them? Well, an 18 year old gentleman now has to apologize to dog owners the world over.

My Question: Why does he have to apologize? Dogs eat other dogs poo! There isn't much a dog won't eat - and if it's eating stuff off of the floor, shouldn't the owner take responsibility?

My opinion? I think the owner should be tossed into an active volcano because I can bet you my life savings that when this dog was eating the marijuana cupcakes, the owner was either on the phone or checking his Facebook. The owner is to blame.

Now Im craving dog bone soup :(

Link to story HERE

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